May 2014

Property division discussions could help Massachusetts couples

When Massachusetts couples are planning their weddings, the idea of also planning for their divorce may not be on their minds. However, taking some precautions before a marriage could ease the process if a divorce does take place in the future. Property division can be a difficult process to work through, but if couples consider signing a prenuptial agreement, issues concerning assets may be less likely. By discussing a prenuptial agreement before marriage, an open line of communication about serious issues can already be established. As a result, the couple may feel more comfortable discussing other issues in the future, which could allow them to potentially have a stronger marriage. This discussion can also help a couple learn more about the other’s financial state of affairs and if there are any serious issues that need to be addressed before their accounts are joined. Because individuals are often opting to settle into careers and homeownership before marriage, there may be some assets that the parties would like to protect. A prenuptial agreement could protect certain property that an individual acquired before marriage and hopes to retain in the event of separation. By coming to these terms before marriage, preparation can be had for a situation that may not arise but that they will nonetheless be able to navigate more smoothly on the chance that it does come about. As mentioned, discussing divorce while planning a marriage may be unseemly to some, but it could also help potentially strengthen a marriage. Discussing

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Father’s rights may still be a concern for some in Massachusetts

Fathers can create a strong bond with their children, and many fathers hope to remain an important part of their lives even after they do not need direct care. However, when it comes to child custody in Massachusetts, some parties may feel that a father’s rights need more attention. Recent cases have brought the issue of potential difficulties that fathers have in gaining custody of their children. Some parties still believe that fathers are not being treated fairly when it comes to having a say in what happens with their children. In some cases, fathers have expressed dismay at the fact that some mothers are allowed to put children up for adoption without the consent of the father. Typically, these cases arise when the parents are not in a standing, lawful relationship, which can make custody more difficult to navigate. Unmarried fathers face many more steps when it comes to seeking custody of their children. Unfortunately, they may also face less successful results than those fathers who were married to the children’s mother. Though steps toward more equal standards for mothers and fathers are evolving for child custody, unmarried fathers may still encounter hardships. In order to have a better chance for a favorable outcome when it comes to fighting for a father’s rights during child custody, concerned parties may wish to become more knowledgeable on the subject. Looking into information available in Massachusetts could allow a father to better understand certain steps he may need to take. Reaching an

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Divorcing Massachusetts residents should examine financial needs

Because couples in Massachusetts are not immune to potentially going through divorce, it is important to understand what separation could mean if such a decision is made. Financial needs will differ after a couple separates, and there will be many agreements that will need to be made in terms of alimony and other aspects. As a result, it is important for parties to understand their financial situation before divorce takes place. Bank accounts are one area that should be noted before separation. This examination will allow a party to understand how much money is in those accounts and what division of those funds could mean for their situation. If divorce has been decided upon, opening a bank account that is not shared with the other party is a wise step. Examining the debt that could be taken on after divorce is also an action that an individual may wish to carry out. Attempting to diffuse any accumulated debt before the separation would be ideal. However, many individuals know that it is not always easy to repay balances quickly, and therefore, preparing a payment plan for after divorce could be beneficial. Financial needs are important to assess at any time, but it can make a considerable difference when divorce is on the horizon. Understanding the current state of finances will help prepare for the future and how those funds will be impacted by alimony, child support and property division. Having the right information on such issues can play a role in

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Celebrity alimony issues may interest Massachusetts residents

Most Massachusetts residents know that going through a divorce does not necessarily mean that a person will never have to associate with their ex-spouse again. If the couple had children, they will likely have to interact for custody purposes, and alimony payments can also keep a former couple’s life connected. Even celebrities cannot simply cut a spouse out of their lives. Singer Marc Anthony is having issues with his ex-wife Dayanara Torres as she is attempting to have the alimony payments she receives increased. She believes that the $13,000 a month that Anthony pays to her should be increased to $113,000 for further care of their two children. She also claims that Anthony pays more alimony to Jennifer Lopez, with whom he also has two children. Anthony does not believe that his children need more money than he is already providing. He also states that he does not make as much money as his former wife seems to believe. On the subject of Jennifer Lopez and her children, Anthony claims that he does not pay alimony to her children. Though celebrity alimony cases can differ in some aspects from former couples in Massachusetts having such issues, there can also be some similarities. Individuals on either side of the situation may feel that alimony adjustments may be necessary for their situation. If this is the case, information on how to go about seeking such adjustments may allow concerned parties to discover how they should proceed with requesting an increase or decrease

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Shared custody may be best for Massachusetts children

In decades past, child custody after divorce has almost always been the same. One parent is awarded physical custody of any children involved, and the other receives visitation. A new bill in Massachusetts seeks to sweep the old model of custody rights away in lieu of a more equitable shared custody plan. The goal of this bill is simple — allow children to have time with both parents. Authorities on the subject have asserted that, providing there are no extenuating circumstances, children deserve to see both of their parents on as regular a basis as possible. This recommendation was birthed from over two-and-a-half years of research. Additionally, Massachusetts parents going through an otherwise amicable divorce might be able to avoid conflict over fighting for child custody if it is a given that both parties will be able to see and spend time with their children. When the courts typically default to the principal parent, it can create animosity and strife between a divorcing couple. Instead, this bill would push for divorced parents to work together on determining a child custody plan that will benefit everyone involved, especially the children. Ultimately, barring circumstances such as domestic violence, it can benefit the children of divorced parents to be permitted to see both of their parents equitably. If a parent is unable to follow through with the commitment that they agreed to, courts would likely intervene to adjust the arrangement. Otherwise, parents working through a divorce can avoid any further conflict by agreeing

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