Alimony could affect prenuptial agreements in Massachusetts

Before a Massachusetts couple gets married, they may draw up a prenuptial agreement that would discuss many of the aspects of what would take place if the couple got a divorce. Property division and alimony are often brought up when making such an agreement in order to understand what each party may be entitled to in the event of a separation. However, there may be situations in which the prenup may be disregarded. Many individuals do not know how they will react if they suddenly find themselves going through the divorce process. As a result, they could possibly regret signing a prenuptial agreement, especially if they believe that it could result in them getting less alimony or property than they may have received without the agreement. Therefore, in some cases, a party may move to have the agreement thrown out. A court will give much consideration to the fairness of the agreement before determining whether it should be upheld. If it seems exceedingly unfair as opposed to what the court may have normally awarded, it could potentially be disregarded. The judge may also consider the timing of when the agreement was made. If it appears that a party was unjustly pressured into signing the agreement close to the wedding date, it may also be set aside. Alimony can be especially important to individuals who will have a considerably lower income after divorce. Parties who may not have worked for some time during their marriage or otherwise relied heavily on their

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Social media use may lead to divorce and property division

People in Massachusetts get divorced for a plethora of reasons, including financial disagreements. When people are fighting over asset distribution and property division, they may quickly turn to social networking sites to publicly share their feelings and find emotional support. However, according to research, this same outlet that divorcing people sometimes use to vent may be the very thing that caused them to get a divorce in the first place. A new study showed that using Facebook and other similar social media sites is linked to having trouble in relationships and pondering divorce. This may be because these sites let users reconnect with people they dated or were married to in the past. In addition, they easily allow people to privately and continuously maintain romantic relationships with people other than their spouses. The chance of having a marriage that lasts long-term is only 50 percent, and social media has not helped these odds. This is why it’s beneficial to discuss the use of social media with one’s spouse. The two parties can then come to an agreement on ground rules related to how they use these sites, such as whether it’s okay to reconnect with past boyfriends or girlfriends. However, even when taking steps to control social media usage in a marriage, marital unions sometimes fail despite how hard people try to make it work. The best way to protect oneself from the financial perils of divorce is to develop a prenuptial agreement that addresses how assets and income will

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Massachusetts kids could handle shared custody well

Learning that their parents are going to divorce can have a great impact on Massachusetts children. They may have many different questions about the circumstances and be uncertain as to what it means for their living situation, especially if parents have shared custody. Child custody proceedings can, at times, be difficult for children and parents alike, and it is important that the situation is handled with sensitivity in order to ensure that the best interests of the children are being considered. One way that parents may know that their children could be handling the custody conditions well is if they want to know more about the situation. Asking questions and looking for answers about the event could mean that the children want to understand the circumstances. By having a better understanding of the situation, children may be more comfortable than if they are left out of what the proceedings mean for them. Observing a child’s behavior can also be a way to determine how that child is handling the process. If a child becomes spiteful or otherwise acts as if he or she does not want to be around one or both parents, it could mean that the child is not handling the situation well. However, if a child continues to act normally and still enjoys time with both parents, he or she may be handling the divorce in a mature and positive manner. The majority of Massachusetts parents want their children to be affected as little as possible when

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Financial documents could help Massachusetts alimony proceedings

Going through divorce can be financially trying for the Massachusetts parties involved. There are, at times, many fees that come along with the proceedings, and individuals may also need to determine how they are going to handle their household finances once they are no longer married. In many cases, this could mean that alimony is paid from one spouse to the other to help supplement their income. When it comes to determining alimony amounts, it is important that all financial information is disclosed. It is true that some parties may feel negatively about such proceedings, and in an attempt to appear less financially inclined, one party may attempt to hide certain accounts or assets. If a party does attempt such actions, the other party could potentially not receive the proper amount of alimony. By gathering important documents, parties may be better able to keep the other individuals involved from hiding information. Tax returns, bank account information and other such documents could provide important information to the court when it comes to assessing the financial situations of each party. Because such documents are typically legally binding and come with severe penalties if they are not filled out honestly, most individuals typically disclose the correct information. Because alimony and other spousal support can be a trying topic for some parties, it is not surprising that some individuals may wish to hide certain information in order to come out better. As a result, parties who are in need of such support may need

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Massachusetts fathers may wish to seek shared custody

It is an unfortunate situation when children become tools for parents to use against each other when they are going through divorce. When this occurs, the children are more likely to be negatively affected than the other parent. Therefore, seeking shared custody of children may be the most beneficial route. However, Massachusetts parents must be willing to work together. When parties go through divorce, it is not uncommon for there to be some anger involved initially. If a parent wishes to use that resentment in order to attempt to hurt the other parent during child custody proceedings, they may try to gain more custody or even sole custody of their children. Working together as parents even after a divorce can potentially be beneficial for the children involved, and in that case, both parents would need to encourage a healthy relationship with the other parent. In order to effectively co-parent, each party must also be willing to do their share as a parent. Custody agreements are drawn up in order for each parent to understand what is expected of them after the divorce and custody proceedings are concluded. If a parent does not make the effort to follow those agreements, children may end up with a stronger relationship with one parent over the other. Shared custody may not be the right choice for everyone, but as many parents want to remain a part of their children’s lives, working together after divorce may be the best route for some. Co-parenting may be

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Beyond equitable distribution: the financial impact of divorce

When facing a divorce, a Massachusetts couple will likely consider equitable distribution of things, such as which spouse will keep the house, child custody and spousal support. However, there is much more to the divorce process than just equitable distribution of assets and property. There are long-term financial consequences that should be considered by both parties when working through a divorce. A divorce can have a major financial impact on an individual and family. Before or during the early stages of a divorce, it is beneficial for both parties to gather the financial information all assets. This includes retirement funds, long-term savings, vacation properties and more. Organizing tax records can also expedite the process of determining child and spousal support. Massachusetts couples may not ever consider which spouse will carry the debt burden leftover from the marriage. This is especially important for a couple who has a large amount of debt from credit cards, medical bills or a mortgage. This may make it difficult to establish separate finances, but it can be done with the correct preparation and legal guidance. It should be noted that couples should clearly designate in a divorce settlement how retirement funds and other long-term savings will be divided. Separating finances is one of the most complicated aspects of a divorce. Equitable distribution is a common goal for many individuals facing a divorce, but the long-term impact of financial distribution should be carefully considered. When an individual enters the divorce process with clearly established goals and

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Financial aspects of property division should be considered

The financial repercussions of divorce in Massachusetts can affect all parties going through the process. Fees and other expenses related to the proceedings can at times be burdening for some parties, but the monetary implications do not end there. Property division decisions can continue to affect individuals’ finances after the agreements have been made and the ownership of assets determined. Taxes are a big reason why division of the assets can have a considerable financial impact. If taxes are not considered when dividing property, an individual may find that they did not come out as well as they may have imagined. Therefore, it is important to examine assets from an after-tax point-of-view that will allow the true worth of certain property to be determined along with how that could affect the receiving party. Determining who will maintain ownership of the home can also play a significant role in the division process and affect the finances of the parties involved. If one party maintains ownership of the house and the other moves to a different location, looking into the tax implications of such a transfer could be prudent. There are also different aspects to consider if both parties maintain ownership of the home while only one of the individuals remains living in it. The property division process can be a complicated one in some situations. As a result, understanding how the proceedings are handled in Massachusetts and what regulations could come into play may lead to a less stressful procedure. Many

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Property division discussions could help Massachusetts couples

When Massachusetts couples are planning their weddings, the idea of also planning for their divorce may not be on their minds. However, taking some precautions before a marriage could ease the process if a divorce does take place in the future. Property division can be a difficult process to work through, but if couples consider signing a prenuptial agreement, issues concerning assets may be less likely. By discussing a prenuptial agreement before marriage, an open line of communication about serious issues can already be established. As a result, the couple may feel more comfortable discussing other issues in the future, which could allow them to potentially have a stronger marriage. This discussion can also help a couple learn more about the other’s financial state of affairs and if there are any serious issues that need to be addressed before their accounts are joined. Because individuals are often opting to settle into careers and homeownership before marriage, there may be some assets that the parties would like to protect. A prenuptial agreement could protect certain property that an individual acquired before marriage and hopes to retain in the event of separation. By coming to these terms before marriage, preparation can be had for a situation that may not arise but that they will nonetheless be able to navigate more smoothly on the chance that it does come about. As mentioned, discussing divorce while planning a marriage may be unseemly to some, but it could also help potentially strengthen a marriage. Discussing

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